Friday 20 June 2014

Seasonal Traditions

On the first day of summer break when I was in high school, my friends and I would jump in the car and head out to the beach. It was usually overcast and cold, but I loved that it was our tradition. We'd lie in the sand (so what if there were occasionally piles of blankets on top of us?), eat burgers and soft serve from the concession stand. That day was always special, but more importantly it was what it signified. 
As an adult, one of my biggest complaints is that each day tends to bleed into the next. And while I appreciate routine, there's something to be said about traditions that repeat themselves year after year. I'm not sure what that looks like at my age, but it's my goal to define that for myself, starting this summer. I can only hope that whatever it is will taste as good as that ice cream, eaten hurriedly on a foggy day with friends.

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