Hey guys and gals
First off I will begin by saying I love Jennifer Stano she is so cute and lives an amazing life. Lately I have been quite obsessed with her after stumbling across her name from an internet sensations channel ChloeMorello. Whom I am also obsessed with so I thought I would share with you several workout videos out of 10 that Jennifer Stano has made with her trainer Lauren Kern to start preparing for summer. You can do these exercises anytime, anywhere! I hope you find them easy and enjoyable yet effective.
She happened to have film these at her house when she was 1 month pregnant but had no idea, literally found out the next day that she was expecting :)
Check back soon for workout video #5, of 10 for more easy exercises that can be done at home, on vacation or in a gym!
xoxo Stenice
Baby Got Back!
Building a great butt is not easy. Regardless of how much fat you store on your fanny, cardio alone is not going to provide the definition you desire.
If you want a round rump, then lets’ get a few things straight:
1) Cardio does not give you leg muscle.
If you want a round rump, then lets’ get a few things straight:
1) Cardio does not give you leg muscle.
- The main purpose of cardio is to train the heart, not the glutes or legs. Sure, cardio may slim down your legs and reduce the size of your bum. BUT, If there is no muscle underneath that fat, then no matter how small your backside gets....there will always be fat and nothing more.
2) You will never build muscle and tone-up without hitting the weights.
- Contrary to popular belief, weight-training will not make your legs bigger….unless you eat like a cow (in which case your diet is making you bigger, not the weights). However, weight-training any part of the body will cause temporary swelling of the muscle groups worked and may lead to a short-termed illusion of increased size.
- Rest assured that this swelling is only temporary and is usually caused by an increase in blood flow to the muscles utilized during exercise. Lactic acid is an end-product of lower-body exercise and can also contribute to this illusion of increased leg size. After 24 hours of weight-training your legs, all swelling should decrease and leg size return to normal.
- On glute-training days, I recommend cutting all starch prior to weight-lifting; this means no cereal, grains, oatmeal, protein bars, rice, potatoes, etc. For example: if you plan to hit the gym before noon, then limit consumption to protein, fats, and fiber; stick with foods like eggs, meat, fat-free cottage cheese, fat-free yogurt, nuts, and veggie omelets. Have your last meal 1.5-2 hours pre-workout.
- Immediately following your glute workout, consume post-exercise recovery drink (Example-half of a 32 oz “Gatorade Perform” beverage (orange flavored) mixed and shaken well with one serving of vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder.) Your protein powder should contain very close to 25 grams of protein per serving. This recovery beverage is high in electrolytes and tastes like an orange cream-sickle! All of my clients love it.
- Now, you may be wondering why I suggest such a drink. The answer is simple: Fast-digesting liquid carbohydrates enhance muscle recovery and decrease levels of muscle soreness. When these fast digesting liquid carbohydrates are combined with fast-absorbing liquid protein, they act synergistically to increase protein synthesis (muscle-building).
- Stop all long-endurance cardiovascular exercise now! If you are currently running or fast-paced cycling, then you are literally working your butt-off! Prolonged endurance-based exercise is catabolic in nature; this means that muscle is used as an energy source and therefore muscle tissue will be used to fuel exercise activity. Think about it; have you ever seen a long-distance marathon-runner with great glutes? These athletes are usually lean. However, muscle fullness, especially in the glutes, is usually lacking.
- My cardio prescription is to perform 30 minutes minimum to 1 hour of exercise 3-5 days per week and to use the following cardio machines at the designated intensity levels:
- Stair-master: 40-70 steps per minute without holding on or with minimal holding on (my fav )
- Treadmill: Incline of 7-10% and speed of 3 miles per hour without holding on or with minimal holding on.

So! Try these few booty enhancing workouts and let me know what you think. I too am just getting back into my workout routine. Lets do this together and get ready for summer!!!!Thank you again for checking out my blog.We can do this <3 Stenice xoxo
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