When I was younger, I felt inexplicably sad and couldn't shrug off my funk, so I went to a therapist for a few months. After I'd settle into one of the many armchairs in her cozy office, she would stare at me and just wait for me to start talking. It was kind of awkward...but talk I did! I told her how I worried about my job, my family, my friends, my dating life, random passersby on the street. I was plagued by my worries.
And she told me the best thing ever.

Now, my therapist told me, picture the enormous Grand Canyon and drop your worry into it. Whatever you're worrying about--your cranky boss, your dating life, a salty comment from a friend--will be barely visible. "See how tiny it looks?" she says. Suddenly your problem will seem much, much smaller in comparison to the grand course of your huge, rich, long life.
Brilliant, right? Since then, I've done the Grand Canyon visualization trick (many times), and it really works.
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