How to Manage Your PMS Like a Boss
Sore boobs, a new pimple, brownie cravings...yeah. Your period is coming and you're
having major PMS. But what's the right way to manage your pre-period symptoms?
The dos and don'ts of PMS. Best part: Chocolate is included!

Do: Give Into Your Cravings
Pssht. You're about to bleed from your vagina for almost a week haha. You can do whatever the eff you want. If your body is yearning for something salty or sweet, go for it—in moderation. Don't beat yourself up over it.
Don't: Go Hard in the Gym
Of course you wanna stay fit, even when you're PMS-ing, but avoid strenuous exercises. Those will make you feel worse. Skip spin class and choose something that's easier on your body, like yoga or pilates. ;)

Don't: Eat Fatty Foods
Avoid that craving for something super greasy and fatty like pizza. Eating foods that are filled with a lot of sodium and are high in fat will make you feel worse. They can increase pain, cramps, and water retention.

Do: Get Your Calcium
Milk does the body good. It's a known fact that calcium and Vitamin D will help lower your PMS symptoms. So munch on broccoli, and yogurt. Or, take a Vitamin D supplement so your body absorbs all the calcium you need.

Don't: Go Shopping
Around this time, you are bloated and moody as hell. Trying on clothes is the last thing you want to do. You don't want to end up making a purchase you might regret.

Do: Vent to a Friend
You might be irritable around that time of month. Text or call your girlfriend to let her know about something that bothered you will make you feel better. Studies have shown that venting actually helps release stress. duhhh !
SOURCE: Yael Varnado, MD,; Mayling Kajiya, founder of Girl Uninterrupted; Lauren Streicher, MD,
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